How To Deal With The End Of Summer Shift

Carly BensonTransformationLeave a Comment

the end of summer shift

The end of summer is upon us. With the end of this season comes a shift. Not only do we transition from the days of summer to the days of fall, but our inner workings also tend to shift along with the seasons.

We recommit to goals and set end-of-year goals. We begin to look at the way the year has unfolded so far as we realize yet another year is more than half way over. It’s a time when we tend to do some introspection on what has been working and what hasn’t. The end of summer shift happens to everyone, while some may experience it more radically than others.

It’s a time for our infamous “out with the old and in with the new” mindset to emerge. A time to let go of what isn’t working or serving us any longer. A time to dance with what the summer left us as we look ahead into what the fall can bring us.

Perhaps the end of summer is also the end of putting important endeavors on the backburner and this can bring forth the stinging realization that attention is long overdue on some corners of our lives. Vacation mode has ended along with long weekends and nights. There is a noticeable shift from the lazy days of summer as we morph into the hustle of winter. The time to buckle down has set in as we plan to round out the year.

The change of season usually brings on a change of pace and even a change of ways, life or being. Maybe you feel you’re right on track with how you envisioned the year going and that’s great. But if you’re anything like me, you might be questioning everything you thought you knew. For most of us, the shift at the end of summer can trigger some discomfort. After all, that is what change is notorious for, right?

With this shift can come some anxiety, as goals we once set at the beginning of the year may now seem a bit daunting. It could bring some sadness as we release things we thought were important but realize are not bringing us closer to fulfilling the New Year’s resolutions we were once feverishly committed to back in sweet January. It can also be exhilarating and refreshing to look upon the horizon at the challenge of putting our best foot forward in what’s left of 2015.

We evolve and shift with the seasons. Seasons allow us the opportunities we need to advance in our human development. September is usually a time of transformation and it can take a toll on us if we aren’t ready and prepared. There are ways to deal with the end of summer shift that can help us ease into the natural transition we are being drawn towards.

Don’t panic.

Remember to remain calm in the change and shift of both seasons and life. It’s best to keep a zen mentality, but drop it’s counterpart which is the laziness of summer. There is still plenty of time to achieve goals and meet deadlines. However, panic only breeds stress. Being relaxed with a touch of urgency is the posture we want to take. It’s ok and somewhat necessary to light a fire, but it’s detrimental to burn ourselves with flames of angst. Part of the shift is also shifting our perspective to view this phase of the year as a clean slate.

Start slowly.

We want to ease in when preparing for the new season by allowing for flexibility and lightness. In doing so, we avoid feeling shocked by trying to go too fast or do too much all at once. The goal is not to burn out quickly or race to the finish line, but rather to focus our intentions and to then slowly but surely take action that supports our desires and year end goals.

Recommit but don’t overcommit.

We must be realistic about how we finish up the year. Last week I talked about how to stay committed to our dreams and goals which you may find helpful in this step. It’s important that we recommit ourselves without overcommitting. We can be ambitious without unnecessary stress or being too hard on ourselves. The key is to forge commitments that allow fluid motivation and attainable success.

Follow your heart.

There may be divine signs or things that keep appearing or we keep hearing that are pointing us in a new direction. It’s important not to ignore our intuition and what spirit is trying to tell us. This is a time for us to allow it to come through and follow it. The heart knows the way to go in the new season of life. Sometimes this may mean putting ego, pride or procrastination to the side as we dare to love bigger and live more boldly. If you can’t go a day without thinking about it, you need to pursue it no matter what it takes.

Get serious about what matters.

The end of summer is a time when school starts again, business picks back up and the forth quarter clock begins it’s countdown. The rubber meets the road here as we realize the time is now. Don’t postpone anything. Not your dreams. Not your passions. Not what/who you love. Do it now. Do it today. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. All we have is now. It’s time to get laser focused and serious about what really matters.

We can steer our direction any way we choose.

The good news is we have the ability to choose. Our choices make such an impact on how the rest of the year unfolds. We must be definitive in how we design our plans and the direction we want to navigate ourselves in. Choosing how we spend our time will determine how the future develops. This includes choosing our tribe. Aligning ourselves correctly with people who will motivate us and inspire us to be at our highest vibe is crucial. There may be some people, places or things we need to steer clear of as we steer in the direction of our goals.

Create a new routine.

Creating a new schedule or routine to follow can be a perfect compliment to the new season. We have things we need to accomplish and being more regimented may help us itemize to do lists and spring productivity into a new gear without feeling overwhelmed. New seasons are a great time to get into new habits, practices and daily routines. Invite in guidance on what might be most suitable in this new time of year.

Redefine yourself.

Let us declare who we are and what makes us tick. Let it give us energy and rejuvenate our souls. Maybe what carried us through summer isn’t what will delight us in the fall. Spend some time alone to reconnect to what your soul is telling you about who you are, now, in this moment. Get intimate with yourself so that you can bring forth your gifts, talents and who you wholeheartedly are. This will lead you to what you truly desire, how you want to feel and what you want going forward. The clarity in this declaration can unlock hidden desires and help point you to what your heart is craving.

Have an attitude of gratitude.

The summer carried many lessons, experiences and needed occurrences in our lives. Let’s be thankful for what it contained and express gratitude for what was and what is as we leap into the new season. By giving thanks we welcome in more abundance to our lives. Who doesn’t want more abundance at the end of the year? The key is to give out that which we are seeking and this always starts with gratitude.

Be inspired.

Allow the change of the seasons and life to act as motivation. As the future is co-created with the actions of today, remember, life is entirely what we make of it.

Hello new season! We are ready for you.

Now is the time. It always has been. The end of summer just ushers in a stronger presence of “now.” What will you do with it?

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